Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Addressing Student Needs

It is important that students' needs are assessed either formally or informally in order to determine how we as teachers can best minister.

If we are focused only on covering content, then we have missed the whole point. At the same time, we must be careful not to confuse addressing genuine student needs with simply making the class "fun" and "relevant," with little thought given to the teaching of the Scripture. The lesson can be made interesting and applicable without compromising the Word of God.

We must remember that our students' greatest need is a relationship with God, and it can only be deepened through the study of His Word.


  1. I remember seeing a video with Guy Dowd (I think he was the National Teacher of the Year), and he talked about trying to teach English when a student was facing a difficult situation outside of class. He talked about how trivial his subject matter often became; it is a gift to us that, as Bible teachers, we are teaching the very Word of God. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit as we observe and get to know our students, we can know and strive to meet the true needs (not only -- or merely -- the felt ones) with God's truth.
